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자료 일차의료 의사 수요 공급 추계를 위한 변수 연구 (Korean J Fam Med. 2024 Dec 24)

페이지 정보

작성자 서울의대비대위
댓글 0건 조회 94회 작성일 24-12-27


Variables in the Projection of Physician Demand and Supply in Primary Care


Primary care services improve healthcare outcomes and limit unnecessary specialty care. Thus, it is essential to monitor primary care physician demand and supply projections to suggest evidence-based healthcare reforms and promote better healthcare delivery. This study evaluates 28 demand variables, 50 supply variables, and 26 additional variables associated with the demand and supply projections of physicians by reviewing scenarios from other countries, including Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, and the United States of America. The results indicate that Korea uses less diverse demand and supply indicators and suggest the need to implement variables used in the other four countries to improve projection modeling.



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서울의대∙서울대병원 교수 비상대책위원회

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대표│한정호 대표전화│031-787-7188
주소│성남시 분당구 구미로173번길 82(분당서울대학교병원) Emergency Committee of SNUCM-SNUH Faculty Council ALL RIGHTS RESERVED