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자료 Review Article: The Impact and Implications of the Flexner Report on M…

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작성자 서울의대비대위
댓글 0건 조회 409회 작성일 24-05-30


The Impact and Implications of the Flexner Report on Medical Education in Korea

Hyun Bae Yoon and Sun Jung Myung


The recent debate surrounding the expansion of enrollment in Korean medical schools has reignited interest in the Flexner Report, published in the United States in 1910. Historically, medical education in the United States transitioned from small proprietary schools to university-affiliated institutions, emphasizing basic science and clinical experience. The Flexner Report advocated for scientific medicine and led to significant reforms in medical education, including standardization of curricula and strengthened admission requirements. The influence of this report extended to Korean medical education, shaping its curriculum, accreditation system, and emphasis on academic excellence. The expansion of medical school enrollment has led to a crucial dilemma. Should we prioritize the training of physicians who provide practical medical services or continue to emphasize academic medicine as we do now? There has been insufficient discussion of the individualized curricula, necessary investments, and societal efforts to accommodate these changes. It is imperative to move beyond mere enrollment expansion debates and collectively determine the future trajectory of Korean medical education, devising actionable plans to achieve overarching goals.


Medical Education; Flexner Report



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